Today in the world many viruses have taken many lives in human history. New World Health Organisation is the world’s top research center which helps countries to cure their virus outbreak and records Most Deadliest Virus, Symptoms And Cure. In history, several viruses have been discovered in different countries. There is much to fear from tiny imperialistic pathogens that are invisible from the human eye which is very harmful to living life in the world. In this article, we are listing World’s Top 10 Most Deadliest Virus, Symptoms And Cure to make sure that are you infected or something else has happened. Also, check Top 10 Most Worst Virus Outbreaks In Human History How to track the spread of the Carona Virus worldwide?
World’s Top 10 Most Deadliest Virus, Symptoms And Cure
Ebola is famous in Sub-Sharana African which was found in 1976. Whereas, it is one of the World’s Top 10 Most Deadliest Virus Symptoms- This virus effect in 8-10 days. Whereas, Its symptoms are fever, headache, weakness in joints and muscles, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, red eyes and lack of appetite. Ebola vaccines- If anyone gets infected with the Ebola virus then these vaccines are to cure them cAd3-ZEBOV, rVSV-ZEBOV.
Marburg virus infection usually comes on suddenly after an incubation period of about five to 10 days. Symptoms- Its symptoms are Fever, chills, headache, chest pain, abdominal pain, and sore throat. Vaccines- There is no specific treatment for Marburg virus disease. So, patients are given supportive hospital care by maintaining their fluid and electrolyte balance and other considerations.
Hantavirus was discovered in 1993, it was found in states of Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah meet. In fact, it is the Most Deadliest Virus in the world. Symptoms– It takes one to five weeks after the person contacts the hantavirus. Whereas, its symptoms are like Flu which causes Fatigue, fever, pain in large muscles in the legs, back, and hips. Vaccines- There is no vaccine available to protect against any hantaviruses. It is only cured by Experimentally, physicians have administered the antiviral medication ribavirin.
If a person with HIV is likely to develop a serious condition called AIDS. It was firstly discovered in the early 1980s with a missive death in the USA. Symptoms– HIV makes the person vulnerable to a wide range of illnesses like a fungal infection in the mouth or throat, cytomegalovirus, infection in the brain, cancer, and tuberculosis. Vaccines- Its treatment should begin as soon as possible after a diagnosis of HIV. antiretroviral therapy, a combination of daily medications that stop the virus from reproducing and helps to protect CD4 cells which keep your immunity system strong.
Rabies is the most dangerous virus which spread via the saliva of an infected animal. Whereas, The virus infects the brain and ultimately which can take you to death. Symptoms- Its symptoms are anxiety, confusion, hypersalivation, encephalitis, aerophobia, causing hallucinations, and coma. Vaccines- The general pathway to determine post-exposure prophylaxis for rabies is to take their vaccine injections during follow-up visits on days 3, 7, and 14.
Smallpox is a life-threatening disease which was founded in the 16th century. Also, it is on the list of potential biological weapons considered. Symptoms- It causes body aches, chills, and headache to accompany the fever. Also, the virus effect within 24-48 hours, a rash begins to appear everywhere on the body. Vaccines- If the person is obtaining the specimens should have a recent smallpox vaccination and experts trained in biological warfare are likely to be consulted.
This virus is the same as swine flu and it was discovered in April 2009. Influenza was found in Mexico which has rapidly spread worldwide. Symptoms- It usually causes a more severe illness like fever, aches, chills, fatigue, weakness, sneezing, sore throat, and chest discomfort. Vaccines- This infection requires consultation with an emergency-medicine physician, critical care specialist, an infectious-disease specialist.
Its Symptoms can appear up to 7-10 days after being bitten by the mosquito. After this, several diseases symptoms include dengue shock syndrome. Symptoms- Body rash that can disappear and then reappear, High fever, pain behind the eyes, vomiting, pain in muscles and joints, bleeding from the mouth and many. Vaccines- The person should drink clean water and prevent dehydration. Also some medicine like Tylenol or paracetamol for pain, aspirin or ibuprofen to stop internal bleeding.
It is one of the most dangerous viruses which has discovered in 2008. Whereas, it is mainly transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Symptoms- It causes a decrease in urination, dry or overly cool skin, dry or sticky mouth, sunken eyes, extreme thirst, and absence of tears when crying. Vaccines- There is one vaccine that can cure it which is RotaTeq (RV5), given in 3 doses at ages 2 months, 4 months, and 6 months.
This is the extremely dangerous family of viruses that cause the common cold. MERS-CoV is different from the coronavirus that caused in the 2003 outbreak which is found in bats. Symptoms- It is very difficult to identify still you can check it if you are suffering from chest pain, body aches, headache, shortness of breath, cough, and fever. Vaccines- There is no specific treatment or vaccine for the infection, but you can take some precautions like washing your hands regularly, clean your mouth, clean your nose, avoid handshaking, avoid junk food, and use a mask or cover your mouth always.